Town Meeting

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
We are going to be scheduling a Town  Meeting on Feb 7 at 7 pm in the Elementary school gymnasium.  There are 4 items that scheduled are scheduled for discussion
The first is a purchase of a Town Plow truck for delivery next fall/winter.    This will replace our oldest plow truck which is a 1997 Ford Truck.  We do not have the money to purchase this vehicle outright, so we will be taking out a loan and paying it off over 5 years.  Any time we take on bonding or loan debt for the town, the town charter requires approval at a town meeting.  These loan payments will be funded from the public works equipment fund which is a regularly budgeted expense.
The next 3 items are all grant related.  The town has applied for or received 3 grants that all require a town Match.  Because of this, they need approval at a special town meeting.
One of the grants funds the Demolition, and asbestos/Lead and Mold abatement at the old fire house, and then the replacement of a secure parking garage for the senior transportation Dept.  This is a Small Town Economic Assistance grant that the town received 275,000 in state dollars and 75,000 dollars in town funds.  These funds would be taken from the Multiuse building funds.   
One of the Grants (From the DOT) would fund the cost of road reconstruction for parts of Hendee, Long Hill and Skinner Hill  Rds   While the costs of Drainage repair and construction would be paid for with the grant, the cost of engineering and some survey work would be paid for by the town.  This will probably be between 25 and 35,000 that would be paid for from the town road improvement fund which is budgeted annually.  This would not increase taxation, it would just allow us to stretch our dollars anyway.  The town will be asking for up to $800,000 for the project.
The last grant is a Recreational Trails Study Grant.  The goal of this is to study is to figure out how to connect the town-school-community center with the  rail trail and a multi-use pathway.   This grant has a project cost of around $53,000 of which town would contribute about 20%  Some of this would be in kind donation of volunteer time and the remainder would come from existing town budgets. 
Eric Anderson