Planning and Zoning Commission

Elected Commission

Please contact the Building and Land Use Department with questions regarding zoning and land use applications, payment, meetings, etc. Upon electronic submission of an application, applicants will be notified of the application fee due. Fees must be paid by check made out to Town of Andover and mailed to 17 School Road, Andover, CT 06232. *Per Town Regulations, an application cannot be considered complete until the required fees have been paid.

The Andover Planning & Zoning Commission is in the process of beginning its update to the 10-year Plan of Conservation & Development. Your thoughtful responses will greatly assist the Commission in determining priorities over the next decade. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Town Planner John Guszkowski at

Click here for the survey.


About the Commission:

The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) is empowered by state law and the Town of Andover Charter to act as a combined planning commission as well as a zoning commission. The commission acts with either legislative or executive authority based on the situation. When we write regulations, we are acting with our legislative power. When we review applications, we are acting with executive power. In other words, once we create a rule, we can’t deny an application that follows that rule, whether we like it or not. The inverse is also true in that we can’t approve an application that does not meet our rules. The PZC uses Attorney Mark Branse of Halloran and Sage for legal guidance in creating and interpreting regulations.

The commission is responsible for acting as a Planning agency for the town of Andover through the development of the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) well as review all Municipal land purchase and sales and major civic improvements to make sure they are consistent with planning objectives. The Commission creates laws that regulate how land is used in the Town of Andover. There are 2 primary documents, Zoning Regulations and Subdivision Regulations. When the commission is creating law, it is acting in a legislative capacity. The commission also reviews and determines compliance with those regulations through its executive power. The commission has 5 regular and 3 alternate members. The commission generally meets on the third Monday of each month.

Five members elected at Municipal Election who shall serve four years over-lapping terms.

Three members elected at Municipal Election who shall serve four year over lapping terms per Town Charter, Section 203 C.

Commission Members

NameTitleTerm Expires
(William) Jed Larson



Anne Peterson Cremè

Vice Chair




Leigh Ann Hutchinson



Steve Nelson



Anne Blanchard



Kevin Arnesen



Susan England



Annmarie Daigle

